KH. Asrori Ahmad Al-Ishaqi is the son of Kyai Uthman Al-Ishaqi. He was caring for Pondok Pesantren Al-fithrah Kedinding Surabaya. Urban village located in the district Kedinding Lor Kenjeran Surabaya.
On the ground approximately 3 hectares stand Pondok Pesantren Al-fithrah who cared Asrori Kiai Ahmad, son of Uthman Al-Ishaqy Kiai. The name Al-Ishaqy attributed to Maulana Ishaq, the father of Sunan Giri, because Kiai Uthman still descendants of Sunan Giri. During his life, Kiai Uthman was murshid Qadiri Order wa Naqsyabandiyah. In the Islamic world, known as the Naqshbandi tariqa important and has the most extensive deployment; branches can be found in many countries between Yugoslavia and Egypt in the Western Hemisphere as well as Indonesia and China in the east. After the death of Uthman Kiai 1984, on direct appointment Kiai Uthman, Kiai Ahmad Asrori forward position mursyid father. Kiai Asrori persona begins here.
Task as murshid in young age was not an easy matter. He founded the Al-fithrah boarding in Kedinding Lor, a boarding school with a classical system, the educational curriculum combines general knowledge and study of the yellow book. He also initiated the Al-Khidmah, a group that includes members are followers of the congregation Qadiri Order wa Naqsyabandiyah. Jamaat is interesting because it is inclusive, it is not favoring any one social organization. Although attended by leaders of political organizations and state officials, assemblies held Al-Khidmah take place in an atmosphere of religious pure without charges burdensome politically.
Kiai Asrori as Al-Khidmah provide a space that is open to anyone who wants to travel closer to God regardless of armor and outer skin. Slowly but surely this organization get a lot of followers. Currently estimated to number them millions of people, is widespread in many provinces in Indonesia, to Singapore and the Philippines. With patience and a tremendous struggle, Kiai Asrori proven to continue murshidship that he got from his father. Even more than that, he succeeded in developing the Qadiri Order wa Naqsyabandiyah to a position he never imagined possible.
Kiai Asrori is a special person. In religious knowledge and charisma emanating from a simple figure. Soft-spoken but as break through the recesses in the depths of the hearts of listeners. According to his close family, while young Kiai Asrori have shown privileges. Mondhoknya irregular. He studied at Rejoso one year, in Pare one year, and in Bendo one year.
In Rejoso he was not even actively participating in the activities of the Koran. When it was reported to the leadership of the lodge, Kiai Mustain Romli, he was like excuse, "let it go, so finally tiger cubs as well." While learning is not orderly, very surprisingly, Kiai Asrori able to read and teach Ihya 'Ulum al-Din Al-Ghazali's works well. At the boarding school, extraordinary intelligence obtained through a person without such a reasonable learning process is often referred to ladunni science (knowledge obtained directly from Allah). Is there Asrori Kiai get fully Laduni science is the secret of God, Allah knows best.
His own father was also in awe of his cleverness. Once Kiai Uthman once said "if I am not a father, I want to really Koran to him." Perhaps that's the underlying Kiai Kiai Asrori Uthman to appoint (not to other children older) as a successor to the Qadiri Order murshidship wa Naqsyabandiyah whereas when The Kiai Asrori still relatively young, 30 years old.
If traced, Kiai Ahmad Asrori ancestry to the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam 38th, the son Asrori Kiai Ahmad Othman Al Ishaqi. Its name is attributed to the father Maulana Ishaq Sunan Giri. Because Kiai Uthman still descendants of Sunan Giri. Kiai Uthman berputra 13 people.
Here's pedigree:
Asrori Ahmad Al Ishaqi - Mohammed Othman - Write to - Abdullah - Mbah Deso - Mbah jarangan - Ki Ageng Mas - Ki Panembahan Good - Ki Ageng Prince Sedeng Rana - General Panembahan MERGI Sido - Prince Kawis Guo - Fadlalluh Sunan Prapen Sido - Sumodiro Ali - Muhammad Ainul Yaqin Sunan Giri - Maulana Ishaq - Ibrahim Al Akbar - Ali Nurul Alam - Natural Zainul Barokat - Jamaluddin Al Akbar Hussain - Ahmad Shah Jalalul Amri - Abdullah Khan - Abdul Malik - Alawi - Muhammad Shohib Mirbath - Ali Kholi 'Qasam - Alawi - Muhammad - Alawi - Ubaydillah - Ahmad Al-Muhajir - Isa An Naqib Al Rumi - Muhammad An Naqib - Ali Al Uraidli - Jafar As Shodiq - Muhammad Al-Baqir - Ali Zainal Abidin - Hussain Bin Ali - Ali Bin Abi Talib / Fatima Bint Messenger SAW.
During his life, Kiai Uthman was murshid Qadiri Order wa Naqsyabandiyah. In the Islamic world, known as the Naqshbandi tariqa important and has the most extensive deployment; branches can be found in many countries between Yugoslavia and Egypt in the Western Hemisphere as well as Indonesia and China in the east. After the death of Uthman Kiai 1984, on direct appointment Kiai Uthman, Kiai Ahmad Asrori forward position mursyid father. Kiai Asrori persona begins here.
On the ground approximately 3 hectares stand Pondok Pesantren Al-fithrah who cared Asrori Kiai Ahmad, son of Uthman Al-Ishaqy Kiai. The name Al-Ishaqy attributed to Maulana Ishaq, the father of Sunan Giri, because Kiai Uthman still descendants of Sunan Giri. During his life, Kiai Uthman was murshid Qadiri Order wa Naqsyabandiyah. In the Islamic world, known as the Naqshbandi tariqa important and has the most extensive deployment; branches can be found in many countries between Yugoslavia and Egypt in the Western Hemisphere as well as Indonesia and China in the east. After the death of Uthman Kiai 1984, on direct appointment Kiai Uthman, Kiai Ahmad Asrori forward position mursyid father. Kiai Asrori persona begins here.
Task as murshid in young age was not an easy matter. He founded the Al-fithrah boarding in Kedinding Lor, a boarding school with a classical system, the educational curriculum combines general knowledge and study of the yellow book. He also initiated the Al-Khidmah, a group that includes members are followers of the congregation Qadiri Order wa Naqsyabandiyah. Jamaat is interesting because it is inclusive, it is not favoring any one social organization. Although attended by leaders of political organizations and state officials, assemblies held Al-Khidmah take place in an atmosphere of religious pure without charges burdensome politically.
Kiai Asrori as Al-Khidmah provide a space that is open to anyone who wants to travel closer to God regardless of armor and outer skin. Slowly but surely this organization get a lot of followers. Currently estimated to number them millions of people, is widespread in many provinces in Indonesia, to Singapore and the Philippines. With patience and a tremendous struggle, Kiai Asrori proven to continue murshidship that he got from his father. Even more than that, he succeeded in developing the Qadiri Order wa Naqsyabandiyah to a position he never imagined possible.
Kiai Asrori is a special person. In religious knowledge and charisma emanating from a simple figure. Soft-spoken but as break through the recesses in the depths of the hearts of listeners. According to his close family, while young Kiai Asrori have shown privileges. Mondhoknya irregular. He studied at Rejoso one year, in Pare one year, and in Bendo one year.
In Rejoso he was not even actively participating in the activities of the Koran. When it was reported to the leadership of the lodge, Kiai Mustain Romli, he was like excuse, "let it go, so finally tiger cubs as well." While learning is not orderly, very surprisingly, Kiai Asrori able to read and teach Ihya 'Ulum al-Din Al-Ghazali's works well. At the boarding school, extraordinary intelligence obtained through a person without such a reasonable learning process is often referred to ladunni science (knowledge obtained directly from Allah). Is there Asrori Kiai get fully Laduni science is the secret of God, Allah knows best.
His own father was also in awe of his cleverness. Once Kiai Uthman once said "if I am not a father, I want to really Koran to him." Perhaps that's the underlying Kiai Kiai Asrori Uthman to appoint (not to other children older) as a successor to the Qadiri Order murshidship wa Naqsyabandiyah whereas when The Kiai Asrori still relatively young, 30 years old.
If traced, Kiai Ahmad Asrori ancestry to the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam 38th, the son Asrori Kiai Ahmad Othman Al Ishaqi. Its name is attributed to the father Maulana Ishaq Sunan Giri. Because Kiai Uthman still descendants of Sunan Giri. Kiai Uthman berputra 13 people.
Here's pedigree:
Asrori Ahmad Al Ishaqi - Mohammed Othman - Write to - Abdullah - Mbah Deso - Mbah jarangan - Ki Ageng Mas - Ki Panembahan Good - Ki Ageng Prince Sedeng Rana - General Panembahan MERGI Sido - Prince Kawis Guo - Fadlalluh Sunan Prapen Sido - Sumodiro Ali - Muhammad Ainul Yaqin Sunan Giri - Maulana Ishaq - Ibrahim Al Akbar - Ali Nurul Alam - Natural Zainul Barokat - Jamaluddin Al Akbar Hussain - Ahmad Shah Jalalul Amri - Abdullah Khan - Abdul Malik - Alawi - Muhammad Shohib Mirbath - Ali Kholi 'Qasam - Alawi - Muhammad - Alawi - Ubaydillah - Ahmad Al-Muhajir - Isa An Naqib Al Rumi - Muhammad An Naqib - Ali Al Uraidli - Jafar As Shodiq - Muhammad Al-Baqir - Ali Zainal Abidin - Hussain Bin Ali - Ali Bin Abi Talib / Fatima Bint Messenger SAW.
During his life, Kiai Uthman was murshid Qadiri Order wa Naqsyabandiyah. In the Islamic world, known as the Naqshbandi tariqa important and has the most extensive deployment; branches can be found in many countries between Yugoslavia and Egypt in the Western Hemisphere as well as Indonesia and China in the east. After the death of Uthman Kiai 1984, on direct appointment Kiai Uthman, Kiai Ahmad Asrori forward position mursyid father. Kiai Asrori persona begins here.
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